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New a Casbin enforcer

Casbin uses configuration files to set the access control model.

It has two configuration files, model.conf and policy.csv. Among them, model.conf stores our access model, and policy.csv stores our specific user permission configuration. The use of Casbin is very refined. Basically, we just need one main structure: enforcer. When constructing this structure, model.conf and policy.csv will be loaded.

In another word, to new a Casbin enforcer, you must provide a Model and an Adapter.

Casbin has a FileAdapter, see Adapter for more information.

import ""

e, err := casbin.NewEnforcer("path/to/model.conf", "path/to/policy.csv")
  • Use the Model text with other Adapter:
import (

xormadapter ""
_ ""

// Initialize a Xorm adapter with MySQL database.
a, err := xormadapter.NewAdapter("mysql", "mysql_username:mysql_password@tcp(")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error: adapter: %s", err)

m, err := model.NewModelFromString(`
r = sub, obj, act

p = sub, obj, act

e = some(where (p.eft == allow))

m = r.sub == p.sub && r.obj == p.obj && r.act == p.act
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error: model: %s", err)

e, err := casbin.NewEnforcer(m, a)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error: enforcer: %s", err)

Check permissions

접근을 통제할 코드 부분에 검사 조건문을 추가하세요.

sub := "alice" // 보안 주체
obj := "data1" // 접근 대상 리소스
act := "read" // 보안 주체가 리소스에 대해 수행하려는 동작

ok, err := e.Enforce(sub, obj, act)

if err != nil {
// handle err

if ok == true {
// permit alice to read data1
} else {
// deny the request, show an error

// You could use BatchEnforce() to enforce some requests in batches.
// This method returns a bool slice, and this slice's index corresponds to the row index of the two-dimensional array.
// e.g. results[0] is the result of {"alice", "data1", "read"}
results, err := e.BatchEnforce([][]interface{}{{"alice", "data1", "read"}, {"bob", "data2", "write"}, {"jack", "data3", "read"}})

Casbin also provides API for permission management at run-time. For example, You can get all the roles assigned to a user as below:

roles, err := e.GetRolesForUser("alice")

See Management API and RBAC API for more usage.

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